
Core Values


Replacing the orthodox, BuildCon Design & Developers Pvt. Ltd is a modern construction company having its expertise in every kind of building structures. Having distinguished departments, Technical personnel, machines and equipment, and its own
workforce, company has proved its effective and efficient service in construction. Company employs its full effort starting from project inception through quality and scheduled construction to complete handover without
leaving any jobs and quality undone. Analysis of critical path and critical activities, setting the milestone, checklist to ensure quality are the analytical tools, company uses to make its owned projects accomplished successfully.

The scope from consult through design to consult cover every kind of project construction. Whether it is Load Bearing Masonry Structure, RCC structure, or it is Steel frame structure, Prefab structure & PEB structure, we are equally devoted to deliver our service and use the proven skill through materialization of project.

Effective and efficient service in construction

Client we served